Hiking along a stream, gazing at rocks and seeing faces in them… meandering through some small town antique shop, sifting through scraps of fabric for a quilt never finished… experiences like these fill me with inspiration. Most of my work involves using objects I have found and transforming them into something else. A rock that is just the right shape, or a vintage wooden tray with beautiful woodgrain…objects that contain history and have a story behind them…I love to continue that story through my art.
Nature is my inspiration, as well as doing part time accounting, which really makes me want to paint! Creating is part of my soul, and though I have taken other career paths through life, I have always had the need to create. I grew up in Indiana, earned my BFA at Antioch College in Ohio, and have been living in the Pacific Northwest ever since. Encaustic has been my primary medium for decades, until recently feeling the need to just get out the paper, pens, a few tubes of paint, and whatever scraps and tidbits I happen to have around, in order to play (without the special set-up of hot plates and ventilation) and add layers in-between invoicing and spreadsheets (my studio is also a home office). I look forward to working in encaustics again soon, but in the meantime…rock, paper, scissors….fabric, sticks and stones…